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26-30, M
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The Whiteboard is a place where people can send Gestures, Attributes, Images, Comments, and much more...
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This comment by MishkaWestley is pending approval.
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This comment by AlissaShadows is pending approval.
This comment by JannethBecker is pending approval.
This comment by ColetteVernier is pending approval.
This comment by SamVolk is pending approval.
SamVolk · F
|río un tanto ladeando el rostro|
Así soy yo *-*
|me acerco a ti y beso tu mejilla un instante|
Te quiero, no lo olvides..
|rozo mi nariz por tu mejilla al separarme y río muy bajo|

Me voy a dormir, me despierto algo temprano :) descansa
SamVolk · F
|sonrío con el beso y te miro unos segundos|
|alboroto tu cabello un momento|
Y yo a ti, tonto n.n
This comment by SamVolk is pending approval.
SamVolk · F
Jajajaja :$ mande?
SamVolk · F
|enarco una ceja y niego|
No estés jugando con eso..