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Nexialist · 26-30, M
Of course not, he's a "man". He just shout at me and told me to go off.
WillowMoore · 22-25, F
But he didn't cry. Did he? He didn't cry.
Nexialist · 26-30, M
He almost cry. I drank a weird white wine called "The Domaine".
WillowMoore · 22-25, F
Oh, he must have been pissed, what did he do?
Nexialist · 26-30, M
You still looking like Willow. Sometimes Scottie is pretty dramatic. You have to see when he caught me drinking last night.
WillowMoore · 22-25, F
He thinks so, he just can't get over it... It must look terrible.
Nexialist · 26-30, M
I thought people smoked because nicotine. Is someting about your hair?
WillowMoore · 22-25, F
I don't really know, Scottie says I do smoke because of that.
Nexialist · 26-30, M
Of what?

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