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I can only whisper.
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WillowMoore · 22-25, F
Safe. Safe.
Nexialist · 26-30, M
Someday you will understand. For now you can have a safe distance, in between my arms.
WillowMoore · 22-25, F
But your spirit is not in ashes, I would be, if I get burnt.
Nexialist · 26-30, M
Letting you lost in the ashes of my spirit would be a waste.
WillowMoore · 22-25, F
I guess you can, if you want to, you can.
Nexialist · 26-30, M
I can burn you.
WillowMoore · 22-25, F
I can feel you. It stings.
Nexialist · 26-30, M
Even when you don't speak.
WillowMoore · 22-25, F
Can you hear me?
Nexialist · 26-30, M
I can only hear.

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