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And when the stars come out at night they mean no lie.
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WillowMoore · 22-25, F
After all, tomorrow is another day.
Nexialist · 26-30, M
I wish no. Maybe tomorrow I change sides with the death. How do you feel about that?
WillowMoore · 22-25, F
I guess we'll find out if I figure it out and die because of it...
Nexialist · 26-30, M
When I see you I see something different. And if you find out was it is you would die.
WillowMoore · 22-25, F
'Cause it just makes me human. Maybe. I don't know. Why?
Nexialist · 26-30, M
Dying won't make you speciall. Even wishing death won't. You know why?
WillowMoore · 22-25, F
I always knew I wasn't special, I'm sorry if I'm saying something you've heard so much before.
Nexialist · 26-30, M
You don't know how many times I've heard that.
WillowMoore · 22-25, F
If it has to be, then... It will be.
Nexialist · 26-30, M
Sound like you wanna die by me.

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