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He doesn’t like the blue from the sky.
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WillowMoore · 22-25, F
Right, Jani. Hi, I’m Will. I… I just… I’m just talking about someone I know, I guess.
Janina1580388 · 22-25, F
Miss? Just call me Jani. So if you are not talking about your boyfriend, then who?
WillowMoore · 22-25, F
Boyfriend? I... I don't think I have one, miss.
Janina1580388 · 22-25, F
You should try ask your boyfriend what's the matter. Otherway you may never know.
WillowMoore · 22-25, F
It's deeper. I guess... That's a maybe.
Janina1580388 · 22-25, F
Maybe he likes the blue of the ocean.

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