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Looking for for a change of perspective, when the p.o.v could use wise words from worldly wise folks
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~A Poem About Love~

If I only Love today,
Perhaps that love,
will return to me,
In a different Way....

If I only Love hard..
Perhaps the beautiful,
Will feel like even the plain-
Have a purpose to regard!

If today I choose to Love,
Perhaps then-
The good things I do,
Will be things they Love...

If Today I dream of Love,
Perhaps then-
The people who love me back,
will return to me like some lonesome dove...

Again Love wins
because Still
This world spins
When it wins...
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Wizardry · 46-50, M
Feel free to pm me
Strictmichael75 · 61-69, M
Good morning
Like to chat?

[i]A picture of these cute people standing together, I think nothing is more exciting than when you like the company youre with[/i]
...hmmm...didn't you try some form of aural entertainment, a while ago...?
@SomeMichGuy im aware that she is not white, thanks for reminding me!
@WhisperinAngelic101 Huh? What?

I'm not sure what I said, but I was just joking about the person pictured by making obvious reference to her talent, and obviously-informed inversion of her name, and that the "you" pictured looks a lot like her (since it *is* her), and called her a sexy, gifted angel in part drawing from your user name.

I'm sorry if you thought I was making any sort of statement about whether or not she or you are white, black, red, blue, purple, chartreuse, mauve, or striped or spotted...or ANYthing.

I figured you like her. Good!
@SomeMichGuy Thanks appreciate that
SomeMichGuy thinks you are Pretty.
Saw your yt video...sent you a DM.
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
JohnOinger thinks you are Awesome.
Are you an egyptian?
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long distance relationship
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I want to whisper in your ears....
You are very poetic, creative and imaginative, very artistic and romantic.
Thank you, i really try to be!
These things are innate and you are really talented.