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Normal is real and sexy
Love the curves on the uk average
@SW-User shes normal...??? its so hard to be atlethic I tried but was normal in a month!
@WhisperinAngelic101 ok, maybe not normal. The wrong word but it does say the national average. Which seems like the norm to me😁
The rightmost figure is so appalling! Who thinks that THAT is sexy or nice or even remotely reasonable/achievable?
Actually, I prefer the women's ideal. I love thin.
12 and up for sure is my favorite
Morninglory69 · 36-40, M
The 16 is sexy and perfect the 12 is just as good but yeah perhaps a little better. The last one is straight up nope. Not interested at all
wuiop2 · 41-45
Society tried to tell me what to look for when I was young. Others did the same. I didn't listen. I have been very happy with my life choices while they still scramble to find a fit to their preconstructed specifications.
MrGoodbar · 51-55, M
interesting and true
Myself11 · 61-69, M
I prefer a woman with some curves so I agree with the UK size 16 is perfect
Speaking for myself personally the one on the far right - too skinny, too "girl" looking.

Middle - more attractive

Far left - probably the most attractive to me. Particularly the bust size and the hips.
@WhisperinAngelic101 Honestly the skinny thing I really don't get - as a man that isn't what attracts me. My wife was for many years a 12 she is now a 16 but I still find her attractive
Lovely I guess everyone wants husband's like u
@WhisperinAngelic101 That I very much doubt lol

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