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I see things in black and white.
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This comment by koshiiszan is pending approval.
MoriAi · F
ahah ok sleep well ! <33 I'll add you, don't worry.
*-* I'm glad too! <3
MoriAi · F
awn :'D

D: yeah, well, right now it is going pretty slow -.-
MoriAi · F
>-< I wonder! -hug-

D: yeah a bit.
MoriAi · F
D: it should be horrible!

which? tumblr? >-<
MoriAi · F
>: poor you!!
ahahahaha cute name! I'll add you when I end it :D
MoriAi · F
you have insomnia? :O
No no. Give me yours , I'm creating a new right now. I'll add you when I end it. :3
MoriAi · F
oh I see!! o:
:/ I understand it, sometimes it happens also to me , mostly at holiday time!
Fine thanks and tou? :3 -hugs too-
Yep I do, but I was right now thinking in create a new one xD but you can give me yours while I do one. <3
MoriAi · F
and where have you been? o: long time since you don't come here!
D: you can't?! oh , whyy?!