Do people on here get a kick out of feeling superior to others?I put up a question there about a homeless guy not saying thank you when you give him money, and two comments were "does it not piss you off that he doesn't have a house?" People thinking their morally superior are very annoying individuals. You give... See More »
I have a friend who's a teacher...and i supply him with cocaine on the weekends. How weird is that? Teachers aren't meant to have lives
To catch a predator is great...all these fat, ugly, bald men, walking into a house thinking their a young girls wet dream lmao. Come on!
Do you like Harry Potter? I love it. The quest they go on to destroy that ring is fantastic. Love hobbits, they're even better in the sequel...When they have light sabres in space.
Is it just me or are people on here always ready for an argument? Lol. They fight about anything. Watch how many smart ass comments this gets
Americans seriously belive American football is rougher than Gaelic or Hurling. Madness.Anyone who knows the sports knows the difference.
If you saw a Good looking guy/woman, and then saw they were smoking, would that make them less attractive in your eyes?
Is it just me, or are married women easy to sleep with when they're drunk?I work as a bouncer on the weekends, and the amount of married women that approach me is ridiculous. Makes me have second thoughts about getting married