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Troubledchick99: Can SW men stop lying and saying they're married?...
@Highskirt Some want to appear wanted by a woman...
9 mths ago
Troubledchick99: What you're wearing for Halloween this year? I'm...
@Patriot96 I would definitely take a taste😜😜
9 mths ago
Troubledchick99: What you're wearing for Halloween this year? I'm...
@Patriot96 what kind you got babe?😉
9 mths ago
Troubledchick99: What you're wearing for Halloween this year? I'm...
@lumberjackslam might as well be lmao😂
9 mths ago
Troubledchick99: Why these 20 something year old men act like 50...
@bijouxbroussard I'm not saying the whole...
9 mths ago
Troubledchick99: Why these 20 something year old men act like 50...
@lumberjackslam Yeah now we're scared of young...
9 mths ago
Troubledchick99: Why these 20 something year old men act like 50...
I'm just stating that this generation is creepier...
9 mths ago
Troubledchick99: If a man only texts you back in the morning and no...
@jshm2 nah, I’m not clingy so whatever…
9 mths ago
Troubledchick99: He doesn't care for me and doesn't trust me too...
Just played a prank on him.....@SW-User
9 mths ago
Troubledchick99: You can't hurt me I have little to no soul...
@PrincessRoarBuddy yes😃
10 mths ago
Troubledchick99: This guy thinks I'm hot but doesn't want to commit...
@lumberjackslam I'm trying to get married but it's...
10 mths ago
Troubledchick99: Can people stop showing me their flaws?😬
@deadgerbil ewwww!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣
11 mths ago
Troubledchick99: Why do men think it's only them that can be...
@Alyosha When most women act aggressively online...
12 mths ago
Troubledchick99: Why all the ugly men are rich? Bill Gates, Elon...
@ABCDEF7 face isn't too dainty looking😕
1 yr ago
Troubledchick99: Some guy said he is in love with my murderous...
They're bland looking not intense in my opinion...
1 yr ago
Troubledchick99: Some guy said he is in love with my murderous...
Absolutely not🙏@lumberjackslam
1 yr ago