Oki, so here's a lil insight for everybody who thinks I am crazy.Indeed. I have a diagnosed condition called Schizoaffective Disorder. You can look it up. Anyway, I was also in hospital once, and they tied me up like this for standing up for an older woman who was being treated badly. Here's the photo. I bet... See More » (1)
The more you want somethingIs it true the more you chase or want somwthing even if you do in internally subconsciously The universe especially women wont be attracted and you wont get anything how do i stop
amende honorablei know it still hurts that you’ll never get an apology from them. so i’ll be the one to apologize to you. i’m sorry that you let the wrong one in. i’m sorry they didn’t value your kindness. i’m sorry you felt deceived by who they pretended to be.... See More »