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I am an experienced mentor and advisor for traditional families. See about me!
About Me Notes
About Me
For the past few years during and after college I have been working in my church and community with families and individuals who are looking for help with traditional values and discipline or are looking to get started. As a community that appreciates the unique gifts and dignity of both genders, most of my work in this area has been with girls and young women. Please feel free to reach out in any of these situations:

1) You are currently subject to a traditional environment and want help processing, understanding and responding to it.

2) You are a family looking for some outside coaching on how to better incorporate traditional values and discipline into your family.

3) You are an exasperated single mom looking for some help from a male influence for your family.

4) You are a young woman who craves boundaries in your life that perhaps were once there, or you never actually experienced.

If these or any situations like these apply to you, please don't hesitate to reach out. I rarely initiate the conversation (unless I see what seems like a cry for help) because I want to make sure you see the value in this sort of work.

I hope we can talk soon!
