31-35, F
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1-10 of 58
CountAlucard · 36-40, M
Sorry for late answer but i have a poem write for you by me..I hope you like;)
The exile chain
Is broken tonight
Like a bird of prey
I run to your lips
To find my eternal peace.
with love and respect,your friend
Sorry for late answer but i have a poem write for you by me..I hope you like;)
The exile chain
Is broken tonight
Like a bird of prey
I run to your lips
To find my eternal peace.
with love and respect,your friend
CountAlucard · 36-40, M
Happy Valentine's day my butterfly!!!
CountAlucard · 36-40, M
Merry christmas my dear:D
CountAlucard · 36-40, M
Hello my dear friend:)
Saint Nicholas dont not forget you:)
happiness and love you track all your life:D
Saint Nicholas dont not forget you:)

EricAdiel · M
EricAdiel thinks you are Handsome.

CountAlucard · 36-40, M
you must have a lovely day,for starters I give you many

you must have a lovely day,for starters I give you many

FlavioPereira1516590 · 31-35, M
happy birthday
AllyyAllyy · 26-30, F
happy b-day :)
CountAlucard · 36-40, M
CountAlucard · 36-40, M
<3to me you're immortal <3[media=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKJLsslT1eo]
1-10 of 58