56-60, F
Nothing out of the ordinary.
About Me About Me NotesThe Whiteboard is a place where people can send Gestures, Attributes, Images, Comments, and much more...
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Just a Comment

OldBrit · 61-69, M
Felt compelled to write here after commenting on your pinned post
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
JohnOinger thinks you are Awesome.

Tomorrow · 56-60, F
@JohnOinger Thanks! Lol.
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
@Tomorrow Your Welcome
JoBlak · M
Everybody is out of the ordinary in their own way; everybody certainly has a story to tell.
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JoBlak · M
That is a good point, Tomorrow. I agree that having times of misery is part of life's experience; and yes, some people can see the miserable side of everything. I have a friend, who is the most miserable person I know on the planet. Then again, he is happy to moan at me about it on any particular day.
To be fair, whilst I agree it is a lifestyle choice, some people seem to have so much misery in their lives that it takes extreme effort to not succumb to that choice.
To be fair, whilst I agree it is a lifestyle choice, some people seem to have so much misery in their lives that it takes extreme effort to not succumb to that choice.
Tomorrow · 56-60, F
I must agree with you. Some people do seem to catch more than their fair share of bad luck. I have a couple friends though, who are very negative about everything all the time. It is difficult to be around them for any length of time without getting depressed myself.
JoBlak · M
Haha! Sorry for chuckling, but I too know the feeling of fighting from going yourself under someone's all pervading negativity. Of course, the fact that they are like that means it is entrenched into their nature. I do feel sorry for people whose life is so dire that anyone will get depressed; I struggle with the people, whom despite all the great things they have in their life, continue to think their life is bad and moan about it.
canlem · 70-79

How the heck did I get on here ?
Tomorrow · 56-60, F
Um. You clicked on it.
canlem · 70-79
Maybe if I click on you I can get on you ?😈
Tomorrow · 56-60, F
That crap is uncalled for.
Wol62 · 51-55, M
Wol62 thinks you are Awesome.

You are so awesome!
Tomorrow · 56-60, F
LOL. Thanks.
quitwhendone · M

Hello. I just wanted to use your Whiteboard.
Tomorrow · 56-60, F
So. We have whiteboards. What are we to do with them?