TiagoCastanho is away from SimilarWorlds at the moment.
Contact with this user may be limited until the user returns.
Contact with this user may be limited until the user returns.
The Whiteboard is a place where people can send Gestures, Attributes, Images, Comments, and much more...
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1-10 of 307
AnaCatarina1515422 · 26-30, F
és muito giro mesmo
AnaCatarina1515422 · 26-30, F
aceite giro :)
ElisaBambi · F
Aceite :D
DeboraRibeiro · F
DeboraRibeiro thinks you are Adventurous.

FoufaMazona · 31-35, F
votas 5 estrelas nela?faço comentarios e dou adjetivos
votas 5 estrelas nela?faço comentarios e dou adjetivos
JessicaEstevees · 26-30, F
JessicaEstevees thinks you are Charming.

CatarinaBaptista · 36-40, F
CatarinaBaptista thinks you are Adventurous.

JessicaPereira1494492 · 26-30, F
Olá, votas em mim?
Acredita que o teu voto me vai valer de muito mesmo!
Kiss <3
Acredita que o teu voto me vai valer de muito mesmo!
Kiss <3
[image/video deleted]
AdrianaMartins1509996 · 26-30, F
nao nao!
AdrianaMartins1509996 · 26-30, F
1-10 of 307