[code] 「ナイトナイトモダンヴァンパイア」 Neon Demon es un demonio cyborg, un asesino a sueldo y un guardaespaldas personal. Al igual que muchos Solos, él es empleado por pactos para ejercer de seguridad y guardaespaldas personal de quien es capaz de venderle el alma o darle un buen pago. Se sabe poco acerca del merc, como por ejemplo que es oriundo de Alemania y que responde al nombre de Zavo en esas tierras. Es extremadamente longevo para los canones de la vida Cyberpunk, ya que dice haber combatido en todas las guerras corpos, y si bien podría ser información exagerada, los registros de algunas megacorps germánicas como Euro Business Machines indican que pudieron haber empleado a Neon en distintas oportunidades, dejando evidencia que sería uno de los mercenarios más antiguos de la historia. Sobre la naturaleza del mismo poco se conoce, es esperable que un humano promedio se encontraría en las peores aristas de la ciberpsicosis o la automatización total, no siendo el caso de Neón, que es un cyborg imponente, con poca humanidad por ver, y que según sus palabras, jamás fue verdaderamente humano. Aún así, él disfruta enormemente de placeres humanos como ciertas bebidas, los excesos y la violencia en su estado más puro. [/code] [code] After transforming into a full Borg, Zavo became a large bulking monstrosity, usually donning a heavily modified IEC Dragoon resembling a humanoid demon, he previously wore a EBM Berlichingen which made him more human. He has a preference for heavy custom pistols, with a standar caliber of .42 and hand cannons. He uses an upgrade of the famous R.M.C Gemini called D3M0NFASHION, easily hiding his nature as a full Borg in social situations. 「Combat Sense +10, Athletics +7, Awareness +8, Basic Tech +8, Demolitions +8, Driving +8, Education +2, Endurance +9, Tactics +6, Fencing +6, First Aid +8, Handgun +9, Heavy Weapons +9, Hide/Evade +7, Intimidate +8, Melee +10, Pilot Boat +4, Pilot Gyro +4, Pilot Fixed Wing +2, Pilot Vectored Thrust +4, Rifle +10, Shadow/Track +7, Stealth +4, Strength Feat +10, SMG +10, Weapons Tech +10, Wilderness Survival +8.」 「Full cyborg body heavily modified N30N D3M0N frame with combat implants, neural processor, Sandevistan boost with nanno Ba’al Zebûl, two sets of interface plugs, chip slot, pain editors, link set (smartgun, vehicle, data), optics suite (low-lite, thermograph, Times Square Plus, targeting scope, anti-dazzle), cyberaudio (radio, tight-beam radio, and cellular links with scrambler, scanner, enhanced range, amplified hearing, sound editor, level damper), wolvers in both arms, quickchange mounts, radiation shielding and sloomers, biopod. The Neon Demon typically wears a black suit codernamed D3M0NFASHION with nanno armor.」
[med][center]─ R e g l a s ─ ➙ Rol por mensaje, chat u foto. • Temas: Gore, Horror, Drama, Battle +21 (Todas sus variantes) • El que agrega inicia u da un saludo.
[code]「G.U.N.S」 The Magnum Opus "Whore" . 666 Magnum Revolver is the emblem gun of The Neon Demon, always available in his quickchange mounts. Originally a present from Liz, this metal hellbringer is a massive revolver, designed to hold just three rounds in its solid titanium-steel frame. Each round is .666-caliber metal round with a lead slug that's designed to hit harder than most hunting rifles. The Zugführer is a Heavy Machine Gun manufactured by EBM, is a large, fully automatic warbringer. It´s the cyberpunk version of the legendary MG42 from WWII. No one inside Germany ever considered anyone could or would want to carry this massive gun anywhere whether they were loaded with cyberware or not. But, as usual, it seems the Borg will found a way. The gun can sometimes be found cradled in the arms of the heavily chromed Solo Neon Demon, However, the Zug cannot be reloaded easily by one person in combat situations, effectively making it a one-hit wonder. Still, this hasn't proved a major drawback for Zavo. By the time its clip of 400´s 7,62 mm bullets is emptied, there's typically no one left to shoot at anyway. Granade Launcher in the right arm. (1 grenade of explosive plastic metal) Micro-Missile launcher in the back. (Fires 4 mini-missiles) Hand-cannons in both arms. (Shot explosive 25 mm of fire power and metal) Implanted Exoskeleton frame OMEGA (Strength = 16) The Wolvers are silver implanted along the back of both hands. When the hand is clenched in a fist, the thin, triangular blades telescope and lock into place, remaining extended a full flot. Neon Demon Wolvers are a custom version with powered teeth that run along a two-edged blade like that of a chainsaw. He can use as he wish a monomolecularly-edged or otherwise razor-sharp teeth. This chainwolvers are horrific tools of war, designed to bite, tear and eviscerate where more primitive blades merely cut and slice. Neon uses it´s when he has to fight another borg or something with cromed, and with the panzerfaust he became the truly boogieman.[/code]