Jennay! I wont tew marry yew Jennay!I want to calculate the distance to the nearest star with yew, Jennay!
Srs question...And the wrong answer will get you exiled to the punishment zone. Just what does a Cracker Barrel house smell like?
I need heeeeelp!I'll grant 3 wishes to those who like my video on TikTok. The subject? Led Zeppelin meets Star Trek! (1)
I believe I am obsessed with the Constitution Class-Refit, from Star Trek...Oh to make love on the bridge of one of those bastards. To run my fingertips along those ample nacelles and drag my butt across the secondary hull. Mmmmmmm... (2)
I like when the cat behaves. It makes me happy!Sadly tonight is not one of those nights. She is in full on diva mode.
I just had the best grilled cheese ever!I wanted to make a vocaroo of me messily eating it, but I am afraid the Internet will ban me!
"All you will ever be to me is words on a screen, if I even allow myself to remember you as that much."Hash!
Day one of no nicotine, save the gum that's in my mouth!Ah I feel confident that I'll beat the habit this time.