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s1526426 · F
-And there she was just checking him out before hearing the most surprising thing-

My father? Were you looking for me?
[He took a pack of cigarettes out of his jacket's pocket, tapping it against the flat of his palm. He leaned against the wall next to him and wordlessly offered Sun a cigarette and a light.]

Are you positive that it was him?
This comment by ParkSooYoung is pending approval.
**She had no idea who they were... but they were not hostile and in fact, they helped her. In the meantime as Sun tried to catch them off guard she tore half of her shirt, using it as a bandage to at least help stoping the bleeding but as time was passing, she getting more pale than ever...
Anna was about to lose her senses when she heard his voice and without thinking twice she used her free hand to reach his and trying to follow him she was dizzy and the path ahead was blurry still, she would try to keep up**

Thank you...
Hi, Oppa
¿how are you?^^
(Just like I thought... I have an idea so I hope you can follow)

**Anna Sakurai... Indeed a feared woman back in her place. Why? Because of her surname yeah. Most people fear the yakuzas and she was the heiress in that family.
But Anna's life wasn't just that... Slowly she was building a career as a photographer and that was making her travel all over... Something that her father disliked since it lets her in vulnerable situations.

This time she went to South Korea to work with a few models (She takes photos of everything, really) but, by the second night she got involved in a gunfire with some guys who hated her family, of course.

The woman, who carried a gun with her, took cover and waited for the right time to strike and even after taking down three of them a bullet hit her in the shoulder. Anna was in pain but didn't screamed at all. She could still fight, that's what she tought but her vision started to get blurry soon after... She didn't wanted to die.**
(Asdfghjkl. I took all this time to think about it... bit now I'm japanese (?) You don't mind?)
[The mission is easy, Cill thinks. At least, this mission is easy as far as missions for the ODS go. This distinction probably matters more than Cillian lets on, but after all these years, it's hard to keep such things in perspective. Still, they've infiltrated many organizations, many a lot more dangerous and with higher security than a low-level cartel along the Rio Grande. Plus, they're not even dismantling the organization. This mission is simply a short term intelligence gain, working a small time drug dealer to get insight into his clients and suppliers, some of which have links to various anti-American outfits with tendencies toward violence and general mayhem.

In short, he and his partner just have to make friends under the guise of being the new dealers in town, find out a few names, and then leave the lines of communication open for any future needs. That's it.

As far as plans go, this is by far one of Cillian's simpler operations.

And it's been going really well. Sun is good at making quick friends and after several days of buddy-buddy drug dealing, everyone in the organization believes he's legit. In fact, they and their new friends are celebrating their sure-to-be-profitable partnership at the local bar when things go wrong.

Even so, Cillian expected the problem would be something a bit more...pressing. Maybe even dramatic. Worthy, at any rate. Not a bar fight. Though it does seem about right. Sun always manages to avoid the obvious trouble but finds peril in the most roundabout ways. He's the kind of guy who can get through a firefight unscathed.]