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Kind, caring, respectful gentlemen. Open-minded
About Me
About Me
Are you an extrovert or introvert? An extrovert -

Are you left or right handed? Right handed

Are you more of a tidy person or a messy one? Very tidy

Are you on time or always late? On time Being late without good reason is really rude.

Are you ticklish? Don't you dare
Can you ice skate? Yes,I played hockey
Coffee or tea? Coffee ☕️
Cookies, cake or donuts? Donuts

Did you ever participate in a talent show? In college

Did you go to prom? Yes
Did you like school? No
Do you believe in ghosts? No
Do you bite your nails? Grrr. Yes

Do you consider yourself a good cook? Yes, a very good cook

Do you enjoy dancing? I have 2 left feet
Do you forgive easily? No
Do you have any allergies? Ye. Too many to mention
Do you have any phobias? Horses,clowns, elevators
Do you have any piercings ?no

Do you prefer dogs or cats?

Do you prefer the beach or the mountains? beaches

Do you prefer to bath or shower? Bath

Do you smoke? No. A disgusting habit I never had!

Do you still have your wisdom teeth? No

Do you still watch cartoons? Not really. Sometimes Tom and Jerry or the Roadrunner on Youtube lol

Do you/have you played any sports? hockey bowling, and tennis

Have you ever been hospitalized? Yes. Birth!

Have you ever been to a concert? I go to a huge number of concerts and couldn't begin to list/remember them all.
Have you ever gone camping? Yes. I prefer a hotel!

Have you ever skipped class? Yes college

Have you had braces? No

How tall are you? 5'9

Were you ever a scout or a brownie? A scout for 2

What is one food that you refuse to eat? Celery. Liver , catfish, tripe

What is one item you can’t live without? My guitar

What is your shoe size? 10.5

What’s one person from history you'd want to have dinner with? John Glenn

What’s one of your pet peeves? Not answering phone calls or text messages,the F word. And the disgusting slang for body parts

What’s the last song you’ve listened Rockin in the Free World