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Conoceme, la verdad es que me da flojera describirme.
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M1536495 · F
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M1536495 · F
¡Muy bien, gracias! Debo admitir que soy su fan
M1536495 · F
¿Como estas?*-*!
M1536495 · F
AkanthaTheAngel · 26-30, F
Akantha nothing knew about Earth except what she learnt about it in Heaven, she didn't know what was like having feelings and depend on them to survive, reason why, when she fell it was so hard for her to fit in. All those feelings, all that pain was driving her crazy . She needed years before she could be able to control her own feelings properly.

And the reason why she fell ? Because she started to have second doubts about God's work, about why he sent Lucifer to his cage, what did he do that was so wrong that he deserved to be punished so harshly? And what did she do ? She only tried to have free will , something that God always allowed his humans to have but that it wasn't allowed to Angels.

For years Akantha wandered around on Earth, not really knowing where she belonged, she was used to get orders and obey them without questioning but now she was all by herself, abandoned by her father and with no mission to acomplish. A couple of years later she finally found out what her mission was, even if no one told her that. She was ment to help humans in any way she could.

Shocked with so many deaths she witnessed every day , she worked hard for a while in order to be able to become a doctor and help to save lifes, it wasn't like being in Heaven, but each life she saved made her happier and happier.

That was one of those days, she'd just finished a double shift and she felt like she was dying, it was 6 p.m. and the only thing she could think about was coffee, and so she made her way out of the Hospital to the perfectly positioned Starbucks right on front of it.
s1534909 · F
|| [code]Hola, muchas gracias por aceptarme. Un gusto conocerte ^^
Ls1543149 · F
Hola hermanito, ¿cómo estás hoy?
LydiaMartin1547866 · 26-30, F
* me acerco a ti mirandote*
malia te hace feliz no?
LydiaMartin1547866 · 26-30, F
LydiaMartin1547866 · 26-30, F
* me quede mirandote.
siempre..seras mi amigo stiles