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SimyDeutza is away from SimilarWorlds at the moment.
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26-30, F
cum vor prietenii sa ma considere
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BalanRoxana · 26-30, F
BalanRoxana thinks you are Pretty.
DragomirByanca · 26-30, F
DragomirByanca thinks you are Hot.
AndreeaTintas · 31-35, F
AndreeaTintas thinks you are Awesome.
DragomirByanca · 26-30, F
fain profofilul tuh tbx:X:X
BalanRoxana · 26-30, F
auzii da'mi sh mie id'ul taw
daca vrei :D
ca pe al taw nul am :-??
BalanRoxana · 26-30, F
fain profil :*
imi place descrierea ta :P:P