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Not my fault that dad told me you used to eat a whole bag of Chic-O-Crisp in one week. Beside, I realized how they used to disapear. I'm not counting them.. ÷p
Nope! You are my priority. You used to count how many Choc-O-Crisp I used to eat, so???
Stop.. I won't give it to you. Don't you have anything better to do then numbering how many cigarretts I smoke /day? >:{
Why? Gimme that smoke-ass!
No you can't. Stop.. you little brat CX
Haha.. Right...I can if I want 😏
Dude! Your to young to be stalking me (?) (._.)'
Yeah, 1 or 2 a day, but packets, not piece xD
What? I don't smoke a lot.. I just.. I just.. smoke 1 or 2/day
Even if you are not a track runner anymore, that doesn't means that u can smoke a lot.

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