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“M- See, I don’t think you’re getting it - I’m going to have you, eventually.”

“S- Over my dead body.”
“M- You really think that will stop me, little witch? Hell is mydomain.” “S- Who says I’m going to Hell?” “M- All witches do; the moment you sign my father’s book, your soul becomes his.”
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LsL1545786 · M
Mis razones tengo
SbrSm · 18-21, F
¿Y eso seria por?
LsL1545786 · M
No, es mas la idea de que este a mi alcance
SbrSm · 18-21, F
Estas obsesionado con que mi alma vaya al infierno.
LsL1545786 · M
Soy más del infierno que tu, pero tarde o temprano tu alma terminará allí de una manera u otra.

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