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Mha name is Santana,I'm 40%Jamaican 40%Spanish and 20%Asiian.
About Me Notes
About Me
]My Name's Written out' SANTANA FLETCHER , but i prefer SHORTY MOST PPLL CALL ME TOKYO CHUBZ,™ ;
[image deleted]
( uu dnt knoo' mee , uu knoo' Of me ) - im aa hard too find female soo dnt loose me - , I waus established August 21 1993 : soo obviously im | 16 | years of aqe [ younq but mature enouqh . Im aa Jamaican born Chick - && Yes Bitch i qot that accent ( she Thick && she Slick BestuhBelieve she uh jamaican born Chick ) - lol . But Yeh . Now i Reside in Lame ass Montreal where everybody think they hard && shit - Wtf bitch uu Live in DG ) - lol - Must I Say im Jamaican && Love iht * | fRESHMAN at Gstar , fCk Niqqa School Yeh I knoo' - but uu qotta start somewhere . Im Verry down too Earth , Too Friendly && Propably thu Nicest Person uu'll ever meet , i qottaa mean ass attitude , too easily aqqravated , && way too HardHeaded . But Overall that describes Me - dnt Like iht Oh Mutha fCkinq Welll - I speak mhu mind ; waht comes out comes out , i stay smilinq noo matter waht && always lauqhinq . Im ten toes down fuh mhu hOE's , uu qot mhu bac' then i qot uurs . Damn i hate Drama , Bitches need too Shut thu fCk upp && qet Laid ; Im too Old fuh qame's && too Younq too be in uhm , i aint on dhat chidish shit noo moe there is noo time in life fuh all that play, play shit yall on - Yah Feel Me ? Soo other from that ; i Am qoinq too make iht out in Life ; i Have Biq Ambitions && i will Be Successful , School is mhu main Focus && Im an Amazinq Creation && I am Who I am . Reqet is Never in mhu Vocab ; I Look Ahead && Never Look Back , Yes I make Mistakes that i dntt Ever make Excuses for . I try too make Life && Myself as Close too Perfect as Possible . Noo Im Not Conceited, Im Confident && full of Couraqe . N BITCH THA MA ATTITUDE [media=][media=][media=][media=][media=][media=]

wHeN LiL ByTcHez BriNg BeEf iM FaR FrOm ThE CaLmEsT i AiNt GuNnA SLaP YoU - iMa FuCc YoU Up *AnD tHaTz a PrOmiSe!!