36-40, F
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TheLoveAge: If you could do a career switch what would you do...
I'm actually thinking of doing this soon. I'm...
5 yrs ago
Danielle88411: What is the worst major airport that you've ever...
@Carver Better LAX than John Wayne. They tend to...
5 yrs ago
Danielle88411: What is the worst major airport that you've ever...
I don't really think LAX is that bad to be honest....
5 yrs ago
DisgruntledWookie: I clean with Ammonia and it irritates my nose and...
I've always heard you're supposed to use a face...
5 yrs ago
Imperatrix: So, girl's night tonight. And i have to go shower....
Don't listen to them. We don't move puppies that...
5 yrs ago
Urbanxraven: What do women think about male thongs?
Terrible idea. And I would imagine highly...
5 yrs ago
Imperatrix: Hold hands or arm around the shoulder?
Hold hands. Arm around the shoulder is nice too...
5 yrs ago
Addictedtoglamour: Do those really small towns creep you out?
Depends on how small and where it is I suppose.
5 yrs ago
YoJisda1: Is human nature good or bad at its core?
I think that human nature is inherently good but a...
5 yrs ago
SummerDays: which is most important when sleeping?
@SW-User Heavy blanket with sheets that are only...
5 yrs ago
SummerDays: which is most important when sleeping?
I actually prefer a heavy blanket with no sheets...
5 yrs ago
PenAndPaper: Is VIP worth purchasing?
Depends on how much you use the site I suppose. To...
5 yrs ago
FreshOranges: Why do all my favorite foods make me so gassy?
Perks of getting older I imagine lol
5 yrs ago
HappyBella: Do you hate humid weather as much as I do ?
I actually miss it. I moved to California about a...
5 yrs ago
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