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This profile may contain Adult content.
70-79, M
I'm back from once being"TexasTbob" and looking for gay or understanding str8s to chat with.
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31-35, M
For your recovery and the New Year.
31-35, M
For your recovery and the New Year, with love.
31-35, M
Love, Chris
31-35, M
You already know why... Chris.
31-35, M
Thinking of you... hope you're well... Love, Chris
Thanks for all the comments and gift. Maybe someday you can slip something between those pink lips
61-69, M
Oh Bob, if you aren't the sweetest friend...
YES-----you and I have some fun times together, no doubt...... I loved my kitty cat, hopefully you enjoy this lovely specimen also... Still can't get into my email, but I am over here!!! :)
31-35, M
Thank you for your warm welcome. I look forward to deepening our acquaintance!
61-69, M
Well thank you my sexy friend for your Easter LOVE, but------here my big sexy friend, is an Easter Egg that you forgot out in your back yard, better get it before it melts!!! :)
26-30, M
Thank you for your welcome gift. I hope we have a long friendship. :)

England-sized hugs for you.
61-69, M
I'm so glad we've begun to connect again!
70-79, M
Kind of looks like what we were discussing. Thank you!
61-69, M
Well, aren't you the hot and sexy and very sweet friend of mine???? What a surprise!! Thank you so much, wow, still blushing!!! ;)
Now, here is a little something to cheer you up, and make your hot Summer day more enjoyable!! :)
Yes he's missing his little dick lol
Thank you so much for the kind words and the friend request.
61-69, M
Here my lovely friend, is a little something for YOU, a relaxing smooth and refreshing drink from Paradise, and '''YOUR BILL"""!!!!
I'm glad as well, regret the time we missed. Friends with the same likes are few and far between.