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About Me
Ronnie Williams|19|Human

Ronnie Williams is known for careless attitude and sarcastic ways, she doesn’t take anyone’s crap and she’s sure to let everybody know that. She’s very quick to give you a smart ass comment to a stupid question, and can be very ruthless with her words. Growing up, Ronnie didn’t have much and her entire life had been havoc. She knows how to handle herself and the thought of being trapped in a house, to her; it was just down right stupid.

She never had the best life since she grew up in an orphanage because her parents had left her when she was a child; she never talks about her life to anybody seeing as she is ashamed that nobody wanted to take care of her. Guys go after like dogs, they will put themselves in line to get a piece of Ronnie and she knows how to put this to her advantage. She loves partying, drinking, smoking, you name it; she does it. She shares that lifestyle with her bests friends Andrew Walker and Natalieth Bemberg whom she refers as; the only two persons in the whole world that understands her.

The thought of writing to a secret person was silly to her, but since she really didn’t have much to do in the mansion and was tired of Dan Rogers always trying to get with her she figured why the heck not? Her mystery writer is Noah Mitchell, whom she finds herself strangely hooked on and she didn’t like it. Although she enjoyed it.

Dear Conceited,

Remind me to NEVER write your ass again. Have I told you that you’re a jerk? well, just reminding you. Can’t wait to meet you so I can punch you in the face.


P.S. I hate you.

Andrew Walker

Natalieth Bemberg