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22-25, F
❦ The noble WI† ☾ H ❦
About Me
About Me
[med]—Ah, so you are finally here, aren't you?

—You know me, don't you, fy annwyl? But come now, do not be afraid of me, sweet child. Do not be afraid of pleasure, nor freedom; for they are ours to enjoy!

—You see, I think God is a very selfish man, but I, am a very generous woman...

—Come, fy nghariad bach. What is it that you need?

—Now, now, don't be shy, little lamb. For your secrets I shall guard, and your wishes I shall make true.

—Pagan? No, no, little mouse. Not at all. I am not a pagan. Pagans are rather rustic. I, on the other hand... Am not.

—Come inside, anwylyd, will you? Do not just stand there; for my secrets shall be yours, and you shall know how delicious life can be if you cross my threshold...

