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TomokiSakuraiKun · 22-25, M
-He only left to get away from her. She has a bad temper because of what she showed on her face. He doesn't know if he had a bad day for her or if he was in a bad mood.-
RileyReid · 31-35, F
Go eat some fucking rice, Karate kid.

-She let him go, remaning on duty as calm and patient as ever.-
TomokiSakuraiKun · 22-25, M
-Negó la cabeza muchas veces al ver que era una policia.-
━ Vas bien vestida, lamento si la he molestado.-
-Agachó la cabeza como una disculpa, pero por si acaso habló un poco en ingles.-
━ I'm sorry if I bothered you.
RileyReid · 31-35, F
Got a problem?
TomokiSakuraiKun · 22-25, M
━ Vaya porrazo.

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