RaquelAlves1506849 is away from SimilarWorlds at the moment.
Contact with this user may be limited until the user returns.
Contact with this user may be limited until the user returns.
31-35, F
The Whiteboard is a place where people can send Gestures, Attributes, Images, Comments, and much more...
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User1484829 · 26-30, M
User1484829 thinks you are Awesome.
JuanCarlosMotoMoto · 31-35, M
DerkyAguilar · 31-35, M
DerkyAguilar thinks you are Awesome.
JuanCarlosMotoMoto · 31-35, M
JuanCarlosMotoMoto thinks you are Cute.
JuanCarlosMotoMoto · 31-35, M
[image removed]
Olá amigo
Olha, eu estou participando do concurso iOrbix gostaria de ver se eles poderiam votar em mim e me passar o link para votar em você
Olá amigo
Olha, eu estou participando do concurso iOrbix gostaria de ver se eles poderiam votar em mim e me passar o link para votar em você