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70-79, M
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RandyDeTroit · 70-79, M
Monica Beresford-Redmond in her first ever and only segment of ‘Flash Brazil Cooking Show’. She is featured along with a cooking friend of hers from her famous Brazilian Nightclub ‘Zabumba Bar & Restaurant’ located in the heart of the Los Angeles Palms area and serves a mostly Brazilian community. Here the dish uses cilantro, cheese, spice, shrimp, green peppers, tomatoes, onion, olive oil, lime, and coconut milk, to make a special Brazilian dish. Language is totally in Portuguese. A beautiful woman with a beautiful spirit. A woman who knew who she was and where she wanted to go. A kind heart with places to go and people to see. A more humanitarian consciousness you won’t find on this planet. Young, vibrant with the will of a lioness who had big plans to expand upon her concept of ‘Flash Brazil’. Here we try to keep her dream alive in this original never before seen anywhere footage of her completely unedited, raw and real video. You can’t do better than that. Experience her one and only cooking show pilot for the reality show ‘Flash Brazil’. Her smile and laugh will take your breath away.
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