26-30, F
Athletic, funny, playful, into 18-29 year old other females and just interested in sharing stories
About Me About Me NotesAbout Me
I love tickling! It's its own sport to me. I get all tingly if I see someone I'd like to tickle or see a vulnerable bare foot or bellybutton or hear someone talking about it. My friends all know how ticklish I am and how I enjoy tickling them and so accept it's one of my quirks. I'm 5'8", very fit with ponytail length brown hair and hazel eyes. I've been in relationships before but am currently keeping my friends as just friends, not really looking for more than that at the moment. I have size 7 feet, narrow and extremely ticklish. My whole body is really ticklish and since I'm very touchy-feely the tickling happens quite naturally and often. Please share with me!