26-30, M
I don't answer PMs
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RadioactiveWolf: If you want me to love you, pls treat me like this...
@SW-User Thank you gorgeous soul! 💜😊
6 yrs ago
RadioactiveWolf: If you want me to love you, pls treat me like this...
@PinkPowerRanger lol
6 yrs ago
RadioactiveWolf: If you were a character in GoT, who would you be?
@HipYoungDude The more spiritual the more you get...
6 yrs ago
RadioactiveWolf: If you were a character in GoT, who would you be?
@SW-User At least you're remembered
6 yrs ago
RadioactiveWolf: Why are there so many muggles on SW?
@Abbenthewarwolf The type of neckbearded people...
6 yrs ago
RadioactiveWolf: Why are there so many muggles on SW?
@SW-User You don't have to be to be a wizard
6 yrs ago
RadioactiveWolf: Jfc why does all my technology f**k itself up?
@wistful yeah he's actually on my death note
7 yrs ago
RadioactiveWolf: Jfc why does all my technology f**k itself up?
@wistful I would time travel just to punch him in...
7 yrs ago
RadioactiveWolf: When studying, how often do you take breaks? x.x
@Diyanne I have a folder for study/concentration...
7 yrs ago
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