If you want to hear me have an early morning RANT, now’s the timeAny lucky takers because my daughter is asleep at this time on Saturdays and I have no one to vent too
Again my Saturday morning yoga classes are cancelledHow exactly does the studio I work for expect me to make a living?!?!
It’s amazing how men are applauded for every women they sleep with but women are shamed for oneI’m not blaming men, I’m blaming society. So men…please do not get defensive in the comments
My 22 year old son is yelling at the TV over a basketball gameI swear if he’s gambling with money he doesn’t have, I’m going to lose it!!
Oh my god my daughter bought me a gift card to my favorite yoga clothing brand!!!I’m so lucky! She’s so sweet!!!
Amazing morning workout!!In light of my post last night, having a great workout this morning was so helpful in minimizing the physical and emotional feelings that I was enduring
I wanted physical intimacy tonightAs a proud mom and a woman of class, it’s unlike me to post or say that aloud, however I had plans that fell through and I was very disappointed and now I’m just kind of sad about it. And I don’t have anyone to speak to about it.
They’re cancelling 2/3 of my workout classes today because there was enough signupsThis causes so much financial anxiety. I’m freaking out
How much do you value physical intimacy in a relationship?Sometimes I feel it’s overvalued but other times I find that it’s a major factor in the success of the relationship.
I used to believe that when someone broke up with me, it was there loss.I’m starting to think it’s just a me thing and I’m not as good as I thought I was
After two years since earning my 2nd degree black belt in tae kwon do, today I finally earned my 3rd degree!!Hiiii-Yahhhhh!!!!!! 🍾🍾🍾🥂🥂
I really wish my young adult son got out more!Video games, sleeping, and being rude. That’s not a life!
Ladies, What is your deodorant preference? I’m becoming frustrated with women’s main brands having a short lifespan
What do people gain from making rude comments on SW users posts?!I just can’t understand what drives someone to want to hurt a fellow users feelings.
Did you come to Similar Worlds for help?For those who came here to seek genuine help with real life issues, don’t hesitate to ask for advice. I have no official qualifications but I’m here as someone who cares for others.