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I'm Pip ๐Ÿ˜Š
About Me
About Me
Hi there if you're reading this and thank you for looking at my profile. I'm Pip, short for Philippa and I'm 16. I'm a smiley and lively and energetic person and I'm really friendly too and enjoy trying out new things and meeting new people. ๐Ÿ˜

I have to be open however and say that I suffer from mild Angelmans Sydrome, as well as a couple of others and these really effect my life. Because of this I have lots and lots of energy but crash, can come across really childish to people, am always happy or giddy and it's also a learning difficultly. I can also get confused and am very forgetful but I have lived with this all my life and am doing my best to live with it.

I am more than my conditions though and volunteer in a local charity foodbank. I enjoy cooking and baking; dance, trying out anything new, reading, though it takes me longer and generally exploring new places and being around nice people. ๐Ÿ˜Š