I really have no idea what to write here, To leave you with a sense of cheer, I'm a girl who likes a blog to write, I'll try be friendly with all my might, I would tell you I'm nobody's fool, So don't be so stupid a bloody tool! Say hello but don't expect much, And don't expect me to show you my crotch!
My name is Madeleine. I'm nothing else until you are a very, very good friend. I'm twenty years old, from Pevensey, and travelling just now so be patient with me! I have feel looking eyes, and you can't pull my hair! I'm a student of life and a few other things too. I know the value of a good pair of boots in the jungle! I love 💘 water, cold and fresh is always best.
At school I was the academic, but I did play in the girls football team. I'm happy to talk to anyone, young and old about anything, but I get bored with any repetitive conversations which seem to be self-serving or something. I love to wear jewellery, but there are times I prefer not to wear anything at all. I will tell you about me further as I get to know you better.
So, I'm travelling in a gap year. It will all get serious when I get home and I've got to finish my studies, go on and get a Master's too. Then, well it's the choose a career kind of thing. Take the teaching conversion maybe and teach, or just be a gypsy and work when I need food and to pay for the roof over my head and hope someone in government has the guts to cancel all student debt and give us the chance to achieve without the ring through our noses...