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Journalist, Author, Broadcaster
About Me
About Me
Last bastion of sanity in a rapidly ailing Britain; a nation who's once proud people now substitute values for convenience, spirituality for political correctness and common sense for abject madness.

The disease that has long festered is always the hardest to remedy and the disease our land is plagued by has been ravaging us and accelerating for centuries.

The advent of the mortar- although allowing the wholesale slaughter of enemy troops from relative safely- was the sordid vector which allowed this contagion to penetrate our nations consciousness. Gone were the days that required our bravest and best to stand toe to toe with our rabid foes in righteous mortal combat....

And here we are today. Single mothers juggle numerous offspring, the offspring being the progeny of equally numerous men. Watching Jeremy Kyle on their wide-screen TV (which the welfare state played for). Also probably smoking marijuana (which is [i]really[/i] bad for you).

If you, like I, have a problem with this and would like to undue this rot that permeates our nation, feel free to follow me!! Also buy my books, they're really good!