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26-30, M
simpatico e qerid
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The Whiteboard is a place where people can send Gestures, Attributes, Images, Comments, and much more...
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Just a Comment
TatianaMachado1503368 · 26-30, F

votaas? :$
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mando por mensagem.
não sei x:
tu também *.*
SaronawVieira · 26-30, F
SaronawVieira thinks you are Awesome.
nao sou nada $:

- soure, coimbra e tu? (:
SaronawVieira · 26-30, F
dasme objectivos? que eu retribuio?
15 e tu? (:
nem te conheço s;
CherryBlossom1482938 · 31-35, F
CherryBlossom1482938 thinks you are Sociable.