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41-45, F
Single mom in Texas
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as a gift for being so nice :D
31-35, F
Mommy is my disciplinary.
Would love to get a spanking from you with these.
51-55, M
Boots for the rodeo!
You would be sexy in this
31-35, M
Would love to chat with you if you are free!
41-45, F
I would love you to use these on me.
Hello; are you interested in chatting with me or you want chat to other moms only ?
I come from a family Very similar to yours looking at your groups... Let me know ....
Talk soon
Have a good day
31-35, F
I love you already Mommy! Karen
31-35, F
To sweet Mommy-Patti.
I love you so much. I wish you were my real mommy❤️😍🙈
26-30, M
Have a nice day ;)
22-25, F
Just want to say a big thank you for being so nice to me. 🎶
26-30, M
Hi there! Would love to chat :D
31-35, M to chat?