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ENFP, 4w5, Darker and more romantic.
About Me Notes
About Me
I am an extraverted person who has developed the gift of introversion, which I use to bring my introverted side to light and explain it to others. I have unfortunately been trapped with relatives who I am struggling to become self-supporting and independent of as a late bloomer. While I do have stereotypical masculine emotions, I also have plenty that don't fit the narrow box of expectations around masculinity and have struggled to live up to those toxic expectations. I have found that the privileges of masculinity are only bestowed on those who conform to other men's expectations and the old boys club has not done me any favors. All of my personal success has been due to the help of women who have lent me money and helped me out.

My relatives are considerably more introverted than me and it drives me up the wall. They don't go out much or drive, hence I have to.

I sell toys on Amazon, but my business has not yet realized its full potential. I am struggling with things like learning how to drive. I am a late bloomer with late bloomer problems and a late coming feminist who supports the women's rights movement. I consider myself a feminist, even though some say that boys can't be feminists and that we are not impacted by the same issues as extensively and the patriarchy isn't as much of a threat to us. However, I admire feminists for coining the term toxic masculinity because it describes the narrow box of expectations around masculinity that I struggle to fit into.

I enjoy playing multi user dungeons and other online games, but I prefer text-based games because they are easier to develop and have more complex, real-time events. I have always been attracted to multiple women at once and have an open relationship because it works for me. I have a darker personality than many ENFPs and am less bubbly, but I am usually friendly unless provoked. I get angry at people sometimes, but I don't hold grudges and tend to forget why I got upset in the first place.