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26-30, F
Sociabila( cu cn merita),dak vrei sa aflii mai multe,intreaba`ma;)
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PaulCristianAndrei · 100+, M
Heiii :X :o3...vreau si euu un vott_tt mikutzzz :o3.... http://iorbix.com/social/display-community-topmodel-view.php?id=1378990920499 [ raman dator:X] mercii :X!.
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PaulCristianAndrei · 100+, M
PaulCristianAndrei thinks you are Awesome.
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RalukAlexandra · 26-30, F
RalukAlexandra thinks you are Awesome.
BogdanGeorge · 26-30, M
BogdanGeorge thinks you are Awesome.
RoxLaura · 26-30, F
RoxLaura thinks you are Best Friend.
KiduBaaa · 26-30, F
KiduBaaa thinks you are Awesome.
BogdanGeorge · 26-30, M
sper sa-ti placa
BogdanGeorge · 26-30, M
[image deleted]
KiduBaaa · 26-30, F
mrf profilu'>:D<