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Just a Comment

JohnOlinger81 · 41-45, M
JohnOlinger81 thinks you are Awesome.

Lilnonames · F
Thank u❤️
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
Thank you for the birthday gift!
Lilnonames · F
Thank u and merry Christmas ❤️
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
JohnOinger thinks you are Awesome.

Lilnonames · F
My car
[image/video deleted]
Ontheroad · M
Nice! and well taken care of too.
Lilnonames · F
@Ontheroad thank u yes i try needs some things but um getting there
Shayama · F
Shayama thinks you are Cool.

Ontheroad · M
@Shayama Yay! I'm smiling and wondering if feeling good about someone saying I'm cool doesn't make me uncool. 🙂 Regardless, it's nice to hear it, so thank you! I suspectjustt from a quick look at youur profile, that you are a naturally cool person.... so from one cool person to another, stay cool!
Ontheroad · M
In today's environment, I feel it necessary to make a few statements, so here goes.
For anyone who wishes to know me, message me, follow or friend me, know this about me:
I believe this to be the defining statement upon which our country was founded and the basis for our Constitution. It is my guide in all things:
Definitions for the above: "men" = men and women, and "their Creator" = whatever deity (or lack thereof) they believe in.
I support the LGBTQ community
I support teaching CRT in schools
I support Pro-choice
I support some form of gun control, but not abolishing the 2nd Amendment
I support all approved vaccinations and being fully vaccinated
I support equal rights for all (yes, that means women too)
I support justice, equal justice for all
I support mail-in ballots
I support our Constitution, but believe it to be a living document, not something cast in stone
I support an unbiased SCOTUS, not what we have
I support Ukraine
I do not support defunding the police, I do support the reform of policing... to some degree
I do not support the Electoral College
I do not support Gerrymandering
I do not support homophobes
I do not support racists
I do not support bigots
I will add things as time goes on.
If any of this offends you, I honestly don't care. You have the right to your opinions, these are mine. I will not enter into an argument about them.
For anyone who wishes to know me, message me, follow or friend me, know this about me:
I believe this to be the defining statement upon which our country was founded and the basis for our Constitution. It is my guide in all things:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator
with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Definitions for the above: "men" = men and women, and "their Creator" = whatever deity (or lack thereof) they believe in.
I support the LGBTQ community
I support teaching CRT in schools
I support Pro-choice
I support some form of gun control, but not abolishing the 2nd Amendment
I support all approved vaccinations and being fully vaccinated
I support equal rights for all (yes, that means women too)
I support justice, equal justice for all
I support mail-in ballots
I support our Constitution, but believe it to be a living document, not something cast in stone
I support an unbiased SCOTUS, not what we have
I support Ukraine
I do not support defunding the police, I do support the reform of policing... to some degree
I do not support the Electoral College
I do not support Gerrymandering
I do not support homophobes
I do not support racists
I do not support bigots
I will add things as time goes on.
If any of this offends you, I honestly don't care. You have the right to your opinions, these are mine. I will not enter into an argument about them.