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la cersit:P
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WeeAdelina · 26-30, F
Da... la cersit q telefonul in mana?! [poate nu vad eo bn.. foarte probabil :))]
Pana la urma... rezultatul conteaza :))) Deci... Cat ai strans?
Over here you look so integrated, you could almost be a Denmark man ; perhaps more blond hair ;)
belldeblue · 41-45, M
:))) Frumoasa tara, Danemarca. Parca si pavajele sunt altfel. :) Hai mai, eu vad ca te odihnesti dupa o zi grea de munca. ;)
very nice picture resting and discontrating.
Ce tare....
IrinaSabo · 36-40, F
e rentabil?........cati bani ai facut?

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