Would you rather sacrifice 1000 people to save someone you love or sacrifice somone you love to save 1000 people?By @Idfkanymorelol
what can you do if you don't look good at the present timebasically ive put on weight around my stomach, a few stone...i plan to do something about it soon by returning to swim regularly at the leisure centre....but i feel bad because of all this extra weight ive gained....my elderly mother said i feel it... See More »
Should I use their real names?I am am thinking of using my fiance's real name or version of it, instead of saying, " my fiance" or "my fiance's son" or whomever... When I am talking about them in my posts. Thoughts??
In times like these, we need a Savior. Let him comfort you.Truth is, we all need comfort, and Bible verses about comfort can be among the most encouraging gifts God has given us in this life. Like the good Father that He is, He knows exactly what we need, and the verses we find in His Word have the power to... See More »