NunoDemion is using SimilarWorlds.
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31-35, M
Shy :o
About Me
About Me
well what should i say =X
I'm pretty weird, i :x rock music but i listen almost every type of music, i don't like to go out a lot, I'm a bit shy, i hate school... but who doesn't right? :o
i never fell in love...yep never hahah, or maybe i did and i just didn't noticed

Although i do "love" to drink Vodka i usually don't drink it...
I never smoked and hopefully never will.if you (reader) do don't judge me bad :$
I like kids but i can't see myself as a father.

"Don't wander
Through this glassy surface
expecting to find more than me.

For what am I
Without a purpose
But a lone mirage to see?"


Music, Movies, Books, Internet, Computer, Read, Write, Blogger.
and you <3*o*
