NotJamieM is away from SimilarWorlds at the moment.
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46-50, M
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117jellybean · 31-35, C
Female 30 ny married with his permission to chat message me
Carlisle · F
Carlisle thinks you are Strong.

Thank you for being such a kind friend to me x
Carlisle · F

Super kind thank you for my cake love it 🤗
Carlisle · F
Carlisle thinks you are Trustworthy.

You’re awesome
Carlisle · F
Carlisle thinks you are Champion.

Thank you
You are the best
Here’s some comedy to cheer you up
You are the best
Here’s some comedy to cheer you up
Carlisle · F
Carlisle thinks you are Charming.

Oi, oi, it's about time you asked another Q!
*Presses the button.*

*Presses the button.*

Carlisle · F
Carlisle thinks you are Awesome.

Melissa7x23 · 31-35, F
Melissa7x23 thinks you are Handsome.

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