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NewBeginings: If someone asks you a question rudely,how do you...
Thanks.that's a good way to handle it.
7 yrs ago
NewBeginings: If someone asks you a question rudely,how do you...
@TheNintendoGamerNoMercyTickler: huh?
7 yrs ago
NewBeginings: If someone asks you a question rudely,how do you...
No,but a text from a close friend who is rude to...
7 yrs ago
NewBeginings: If someone asks you a question rudely,how do you...
What do you say later when confronted?
7 yrs ago
NewBeginings: If someone asks you a question rudely,how do you...
But that's putting yourself in a lower position .
7 yrs ago
NewBeginings: There is a hidden "Rapist" in almost all men.
@Pherick: It's hard to understand oneself...
7 yrs ago
NewBeginings: There is a hidden "Rapist" in almost all men.
The normal goody-two type of men.
7 yrs ago
NewBeginings: There is a hidden "Rapist" in almost all men.
Well,years of being with men too closely .Butter...
7 yrs ago
NewBeginings: There is a hidden "Rapist" in almost all men.
Nopes no disability there.Years and years of...
7 yrs ago
NewBeginings: There is a hidden "Rapist" in almost all men.
@EightDown: Just a keen observer of men too...
7 yrs ago