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That's a great statement. It's unfortunate Henry Ford did so much business with Adolf Hitler, selling Hitler the engines to be used in the German army tanks. That doesn't sound very intelligent to me. Hitler so admired Ford, he hung a portrait of him in his office.
NCCindy · 36-40, F
@PhoenixPhail Too many companies during wartime do business with both sides. My Dad worked for IBM until he retired. IBM manufactured guns for the war effort in their Poughkeepsie, NY facility at the same time they were selling tabulating card equipment that was found later to be used to track people for the Holocaust to the Germans.
NCCindy · 36-40, F
@PhoenixPhail And on the statement ... I played D-1 Soccer in College and the line from Henry Ford was a favorite of my coach and was posted in our locker room.
@NCCindy Yes, that's the business side of war, which is always the reason we have them to begin with. The corporate slogan has always been, follow the money. It's unfortunate there are few if any considerations about the consequences. I'm glad you're knowledgeable about such things. There does seem to be an awakening movement.
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
I like that saying

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