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CharlesRomsey · 61-69, M
Peaceful. So much like Hampshire where I live.
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CharlesRomsey · 61-69, M
@MrsJones If you want to see the real England, rather than the touristy rubbish and crowds of London, get out to the counties: you will learn more in a country pub about our culture than you ever would from a tour guide.
MrsJones · 26-30, F
@CharlesRomsey i know exactly what you mean by that! i want only a real rustic experience anywhere i travel.
CharlesRomsey · 61-69, M
@MrsJones : Be careful what you ask for: you can hire a crofters' cottage with a peat roof, no running water, no utilities, and a plank for a door. Fun for a few nights, then you get fed up with wet socks in the morning.
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