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61-69, M
Struggling artist, photographer and writer. Have seen more than most, but not as much as many.
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DAYUM!!!😳... Your username sparked my intrigue, I mean.... One like that is chosen for a reason, as was mine.

But... SHEEE-IT and HOLY COW!!!... Your.... List of experience is.... Expansive!

Not only the spectrum of your employment history, and the people that would have come with each one....but, what followed, and your personal journey of endurance through extreme personal adversary.

Madness is difficult, despair - so intangible it's one of the hardest enemies to beat.

To top that with a tortured body - I can't even conceive the strength needed for ALL that!

You got my sincerest respect - and a little bit of awe.

Itd be trite to say 'soldier on'... When you've already proven your a fucking stubborn, die hard, knocked down-stand again
[b]WARRIOR of LIFE[/b]!!!!

All my respect man!✊
@MrPerditus1 yeah, sorry about complimenting you, I know what you mean, it feels a bit embarrassing.

But I think you've had more than the average person gets thrown at them.

And there's quite a few, that have had less, and decided not to keep going.

But I.suppose it's what you live for that matters most.
MrPerditus1 · 61-69, M
@BoobooSnafu No, don't be sorry for being kind. I'm sorry I can be a butthead about somethings. You did nothing wrong at all. I just have to suck it up sometimes. I wasn't doing that well earlier. I really do thank you for your comments.

I hope you have a great day.
@MrPerditus1 it's fine...Im crap with compliments too.
In fact, I tend to be one of those pains I'm the asses that goes "Na, no I'm not, etc."

I just wanted to ( for when life is shitty, and you find it hard to cope)... To let you know... That - against the majority of us living the first world life - who bitch about slow delivery, waiting in lines, the wrong order, bad hayfever, harassment, anxiety, 'I'm unloved', 'i was bullied at school', "my parents don't care', and the all popular ' I'm discriminated against'.....even on your worst days - when you feel it's too much..... Yeah - it is! Yeah - you have got it tough!
(yes - I know there are people who have it worse - it's one of the things I remind myself quite often), BUT..
... Even on your worst days - you've achieved more, for being where ypu are, than most of us ever will.
Most, ( and it's all a matter of perspective here), But most don't, and probably won't, know the true meaning of 'try', 'struggle', and 'gratitude'.

You are one of the minority that's felt the depth of them and 'knows'.

So many have.... 'problems' (and I'm probably being harsh), that are not as life consuming as they feel they are.

As you know.... Things can get so much worse than you ever imagined.
And that trying every day, to see your personal silver lining... Is worth it.
It gives you the freedom to laugh, not be so serious, and to just let go the trivial - and live!
I mean, Tjats what it's all about...

Living. 👍😊
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